in 1971 included the Marburg Bible Seminary as a training ground for volunteers (inn) en its operation. It is now 40 years ago. For us this is a cause for celebration and commemoration. The MBS has moved in recent years over mountains and through valleys, 1986 began the three-year vocational training, since 1999, you can buy the double qualification. All this means a lot Change. Since we have had many experiences!
We do not celebrate our anniversary on a specified date, but connect with our annual plan. Certainly, our Encounter is on 9 July 2011 in the center, and it will be good to keep this date free. On that occasion, you can learn about the new rooms of the mbs and make sure a lot of old acquaintances.
Other opportunities will arise at the transformation of society Study 18-19. February 2011 - as you can on the one great speeches (in the Gospel Hall) and listen to others visit and meet the mbs.
And maybe you can visit such a mbs Connect with a seminar of the Academy - just check and see what might interest you. If you are us know, we organize a gathering in the mbs, including leadership and meetings with lecturer (inn) en. We welcome all suggestions and ideas!
And maybe you can visit such a mbs Connect with a seminar of the Academy - just check and see what might interest you. If you are us know, we organize a gathering in the mbs, including leadership and meetings with lecturer (inn) en. We welcome all suggestions and ideas!
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