The Frisian Christmas

The tradition of the Friesian Christmas tree, the Julbaums (in Sylt Frisian Jöölboom in Föhringer Frisian Kenkenbuum ) is a variant of the classic Christmas tree, which is about the middle of the 19th Century on the North Frisian coast, and above all on the islands was literally born out of necessity.
There were no pine trees in this area or other suitable conifers that could have been a Christmas tree can use.
so they had to so with a simple wooden frame, top with a round arch, with the evergreen branches - is decorated - such as boxwood or ivy. The arch, which in later times and today most with four candles - similar to the Advent wreath - is open, symbolizing the seasons and the evergreen foliage the hope and certainty that after winter comes the spring again and again.
The frame is decorated with a series of figures that are often made of dough and Kenkentjüch hot.
are traditionally located at the foot of the Julbaums Adam and Eve under a tree snake, which represent the beginning of all life, for knowledge - And of course to Christianity.
follow it: fish and sailing ship, symbolizing the sea, fishing, living and working with and the sea. A mill is the wind. Agriculture is represented by pig and cow, in some variants by lamb or horse. Over all the central figures drohnt a rooster - as guards, warning voice and protection from the fire.
Today we assume that the figures pastry has its origins in pagan sacrifices to Wodan, Donar, and Frigga, either symbolic of actual sacrifice of animals or as so-called victims of bread for the gods.
doctors hoped, so to speak a blessing for a successful financial year for farmers and sailors.

Often the Julbaum is still festooned with chains of raisins, with apples or other dried fruit. They stand for the germination of life.
Depending on the size of the tree can of course just as small gifts to be hung on it.
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