The House Hoyer word located in the heart of Eiderstedt. Affectionately called "lock" means could the cultural potential of this architectural gem, which was built in 1594 by Caspar Staller Hoyer and was since 1771 in the family Hamkens be exploited adequately.
was the end of 2010 the listed cultural monument is now a new owner. Alfred Jordy, who ran last with his wife's pottery march on Sylt wants to bring Hoyer word from its cultural slumber. The goal is to Hoyer word into a tourist to make a magnet for a nationwide audience.
In 2009 Jordy had fallen in love with the property, the determining factor for the sale was then but the separation from his wife and the sale of his house Sylt. It was time for a fresh start. He has acquired the mansion with many period furniture, a library, the surrounding "garden palace" with the ditch, grassland and the thatched Haubarg of 1704 and 16 ewes, a few goats and pot-bellied pigs, a previous owner. Here it were a stately ambience meets rustic country life.
Of course the new house Mr. Hoyer word to not only live, but also exercise his profession and - as a top priority - set up his first pottery. The focus of his craft activity is the production of hand-painted wall tiles in the classic Dutch tradition and the production of garden and decorative ceramics. The representative to the grand entrance portal will be to transform into a store, right next door, guests can enjoy a small cafe in the Renaissance atmosphere with coffee, tea and cake Fries. The first floor will Jordy set up a museum that not only the changing history of Hoyer word with its to tell tales and legends (such as "From the Devil and the Dancer") and its inhabitants (Caspar Hoyer, Anna Ovena Hoyer), but also the region's history illuminates Eiderstedt. Finally prevailed in the immediate vicinity in 1252, the frieze over the Danes and 1713 was sealed on the surrender of the Swedish word Hoyer troops.
step by step, the entire property will be carefully renovated, so are used as stables for the Haubarg plans before the expansion and conversion into a restaurant. Also an investor has already signaled its interest.
want much but Alfred Jordy provide on its own power, and several historic homes he has been rehabilitated and therefore recognized the potential of the mansion and its central location. 4 apartments will allow to continue "holiday cottages (sitting)" and complete the tourist offer.
is still much work to Alfred Jordy: the renovation of storage that must be remedied, sources of funding are reviewed and applied for marketing and use strategies to be explored.
But the unique character of Hoyer word has so enchanted him that he is the opening of pottery, shop and cafe at Pentecost confident and looks forward to many interested visitors happy.
"House Hoyer Word" - museum, cafe, ceramics. Jordy march Potteries Ltd., Hoyer word, Oldenswort 25 870, Tel: 015 120 469 177; ;
Opening: Pentecost 2011, opening times: April - October: Tuesday - Saturday: 11-18 Clock.
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