The history of Finland, European That land of a Thousand Lakes, WAS always related to Sweden for part of Which It Was Until 1809, and the Russian Empire Finland Which Was Made of an Autonomous state, the Grand Duchy of Finland, sincere That Year.
"Stals Sagner Fänrig" directed by Herr John W. Brunius in the silent year of 1926, depicts precisely the transitional period of uncertainty that happened in the history of that European country during the Finnish war of 1808-1809. Events according to Herr Johan Ludwig Runeberg (who was a very important Finnish poet) are precisely used as the film describes in a romantic way Herr Runeberg’s poem; many inter-titles in the film are quotes.
In spite of being an important Swedish film budget production, the film’s many actors were Finnish and much of the film was filmed in Finland. This created an excellent paradigm of the duality that Finland suffered in those times trying to maintain its independence and culture from the Swedish (and Russians) with a stubborn Finnish determination to defend their genuine idiosyncrasy. Depicted in the film are many scenes in the form of a romantic and nationalist exaltation of the land as well as scenes of many heroic deeds.
The Swedish policy of war and its internal contradictions together with the Russian strong determination to annex Finland is depicted in the film sometimes in a confusing way. That’s due to the many characters involved in the film and the many historical facts that Herr Runeberg is trying to depict in two long hours.
The film story is remembered in flashback by an old lieutenant who participated in the war as recounted to a young teacher. Besides the war epic, the film also includes a love story among two youngsters who are involved in the turmoil of the war incidents. This makes the film kind of “collage” that many times lacks rhythm and film continuity; as the Teutonic saying goes, it’s a situation of “Jack of all trades and master of none”…
In spite of the lack of intensity in developing the historical events depicted in the film, the picture has vigorous battle scenes where a lot of extras were needed. They’re not elaborated or complicated ones, certainly ( more camera movements would have improved the action needed in order to transmit the clamour of war ). However, there are moments in which the war epic achieves moments of tragic lyricism and beauty.
“Fänrig Ståls sägner” is probably too ambitious film in STI Various Purposes and erratic and failed artistic film telling Especially in the historical process of the events That the picture tries to describe. However, at the Same time it is Successful in the film's patriotic and artistic Aesthetic Purposes by depicting an important Transitional Period in the Finland history.
And now, if you'll allow me, I take my leave Must Temporarily Because this German Count must-continue to rule independent historical Germanic implacably Duchess.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von
Galicia - / -
Finland's history, the European country with over a thousand lakes, was inevitably linked with Sweden, which was part until 1809; from this year Finland became part of the Russian Empire as an autonomous state, referred to as the Grand Duchy of Finland.
"Fänrig Stals Sagner," a film directed by John W. Herr Brunius silent in the year 1926, tells precisely that period of uncertainty during the transition from Finland and the war which occurred during the years 1808-1809, events that are narrated by the romantic poem of Herr Johan Ludwig Runeberg, one of the most important poets Finnish and which are quoted verbatim several passages of the book in numerous intertitles of the film.
Despite being a major Swedish film production, the film tells Finnish numerous actors as well as most of the film was shot in the Nordic country, which offers an excellent paradigm of duality that Finland suffered during that time or how to maintain their independence and culture against the Swedes and Russians, got it thanks the dogged determination of the above to uphold their genuine idiosyncrasy, a romantic and nationalist exaltation of the earth and feats of war as can be seen in the film.
The internal contradictions of the Swedish war policy, together with the iron determination by Russia to annex Finland to his empire, is depicted in the film on numerous occasions so confusing, mainly due to the numerous characters involved in the film and the historical events that Herr Runeberg tries to show his film in two hours longer than it lasts.
The relationship of events is told through flashback by an old lieutenant who participated in the war, a young teacher and also to show the film many deeds of war, is also included in it a love story two young stars who are caught in the whirlwind of military conflict, the film proving to be a kind of collage history which in many cases lacks continuity and rhythm, pudiéndosele implement the Teutonic movie that "whom much covers none."
Despite this lack of cinematic intensity in the development of historical events that the film tries to reflect, however the film has scenes of vigorous battles with the participation of many extra scenes too elaborate or complicated in its implementation certainly (more camera movements have improved the action necessary to transmit the clamor of war), but still, there are times where the epic war with tragic moments of beauty and lyricism.
"Fänrig Stals Sagner "is probably too ambitious a film because of its numerous and erratic artistic proposals when the historical narrative of events that the film tries to describe, but also gets some credit for its artistic aesthetic and patriotic to time to reflect that important transition period in the history of Finland.
And now, if I may, I have to leave because this count must govern Germanic relentlessly independent of its Germanic duchesses.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galicia
"Stals Sagner Fänrig" directed by Herr John W. Brunius in the silent year of 1926, depicts precisely the transitional period of uncertainty that happened in the history of that European country during the Finnish war of 1808-1809. Events according to Herr Johan Ludwig Runeberg (who was a very important Finnish poet) are precisely used as the film describes in a romantic way Herr Runeberg’s poem; many inter-titles in the film are quotes.
In spite of being an important Swedish film budget production, the film’s many actors were Finnish and much of the film was filmed in Finland. This created an excellent paradigm of the duality that Finland suffered in those times trying to maintain its independence and culture from the Swedish (and Russians) with a stubborn Finnish determination to defend their genuine idiosyncrasy. Depicted in the film are many scenes in the form of a romantic and nationalist exaltation of the land as well as scenes of many heroic deeds.
The Swedish policy of war and its internal contradictions together with the Russian strong determination to annex Finland is depicted in the film sometimes in a confusing way. That’s due to the many characters involved in the film and the many historical facts that Herr Runeberg is trying to depict in two long hours.
The film story is remembered in flashback by an old lieutenant who participated in the war as recounted to a young teacher. Besides the war epic, the film also includes a love story among two youngsters who are involved in the turmoil of the war incidents. This makes the film kind of “collage” that many times lacks rhythm and film continuity; as the Teutonic saying goes, it’s a situation of “Jack of all trades and master of none”…
In spite of the lack of intensity in developing the historical events depicted in the film, the picture has vigorous battle scenes where a lot of extras were needed. They’re not elaborated or complicated ones, certainly ( more camera movements would have improved the action needed in order to transmit the clamour of war ). However, there are moments in which the war epic achieves moments of tragic lyricism and beauty.
“Fänrig Ståls sägner” is probably too ambitious film in STI Various Purposes and erratic and failed artistic film telling Especially in the historical process of the events That the picture tries to describe. However, at the Same time it is Successful in the film's patriotic and artistic Aesthetic Purposes by depicting an important Transitional Period in the Finland history.
And now, if you'll allow me, I take my leave Must Temporarily Because this German Count must-continue to rule independent historical Germanic implacably Duchess.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von
Galicia - / -
Finland's history, the European country with over a thousand lakes, was inevitably linked with Sweden, which was part until 1809; from this year Finland became part of the Russian Empire as an autonomous state, referred to as the Grand Duchy of Finland.
"Fänrig Stals Sagner," a film directed by John W. Herr Brunius silent in the year 1926, tells precisely that period of uncertainty during the transition from Finland and the war which occurred during the years 1808-1809, events that are narrated by the romantic poem of Herr Johan Ludwig Runeberg, one of the most important poets Finnish and which are quoted verbatim several passages of the book in numerous intertitles of the film.
Despite being a major Swedish film production, the film tells Finnish numerous actors as well as most of the film was shot in the Nordic country, which offers an excellent paradigm of duality that Finland suffered during that time or how to maintain their independence and culture against the Swedes and Russians, got it thanks the dogged determination of the above to uphold their genuine idiosyncrasy, a romantic and nationalist exaltation of the earth and feats of war as can be seen in the film.
The internal contradictions of the Swedish war policy, together with the iron determination by Russia to annex Finland to his empire, is depicted in the film on numerous occasions so confusing, mainly due to the numerous characters involved in the film and the historical events that Herr Runeberg tries to show his film in two hours longer than it lasts.
The relationship of events is told through flashback by an old lieutenant who participated in the war, a young teacher and also to show the film many deeds of war, is also included in it a love story two young stars who are caught in the whirlwind of military conflict, the film proving to be a kind of collage history which in many cases lacks continuity and rhythm, pudiéndosele implement the Teutonic movie that "whom much covers none."
Despite this lack of cinematic intensity in the development of historical events that the film tries to reflect, however the film has scenes of vigorous battles with the participation of many extra scenes too elaborate or complicated in its implementation certainly (more camera movements have improved the action necessary to transmit the clamor of war), but still, there are times where the epic war with tragic moments of beauty and lyricism.
"Fänrig Stals Sagner "is probably too ambitious a film because of its numerous and erratic artistic proposals when the historical narrative of events that the film tries to describe, but also gets some credit for its artistic aesthetic and patriotic to time to reflect that important transition period in the history of Finland.
And now, if I may, I have to leave because this count must govern Germanic relentlessly independent of its Germanic duchesses.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galicia
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