Saturday, March 5, 2011
How To Open Vip Suitcase
Finally it was time, the yearbooks in 2011 could be sent to our donors. Sorry it took a bit longer this year, so now you can browse amazed, and sometimes purely looking at the mbs.
we are pleased that so many donors have supported us in 2010 what would we be without our friends.
This year we hope to increase donations again - ok, we're still pretty much at the limit with our income, our debt to fall not live the way they should. The high interest expense limit our ability to reform some idea and some projects we can not afford to do well. But we are not even themselves, but are in a mission from God!
who prays for rising with donations?
Friday, March 4, 2011
Marithe Et Francois Girbaud Spaccio Aziendale

The film “Klovnen”, directed by Herr A. W. Sandberg in the silent year of 1926 is certainly an exceptional film, a wonderful surprising oeuvre for any silent film fan. The film is a remake of Herr Sandberg’s own film from 1917 which starred the famous Danish actor Herr Valdemar Psilander. Unfortunately this Herr Von has not watched this last one but certainly the remake is an excellent “circus film” from that genuine and specific silent film genre that this Herr Graf likes so much.
Herr Sandberg takes his time in order to develop and depict in detail a particular a three sided relationship and the tragedy that follows ( the running time of the film is 130 minutes ). For this reason the film at first seems weak, even simplistic in some way. However, there are aspects as the film unfolds that certainly reveal their artistic intentions...and thus Herr Sandberg measures and carefully depicts the initial love story between Herr James und Frau Daisy in order to accentuate and appraise the drama that such young couple will suffer as they move to Paris.
So, during the first part of the film, Herr Sandberg little by little depicts the construction of a beautiful and pure love story, showing the dreams, hopes and joys of the young couple. That’s until they change their easy modest circus life and the dusty roads of Northern France for the luxury and temptations of the big evil city and its creatures. Then Herr Sandberg shows the deconstruction of such a love story and the particular fall into disgrace of Herr Higgins, in what it is a remarkable portrait of despair, desperation and madness that certainly Herr Gösta Ekman plays pretty well.
For this reason, there are two different parts of the film. Herr Sandberg’s artistic intention is in reflecting in its entirety the motives of the tragedy that will be suffered in the lives of Herr Higgins und Frau Daisy. These two youngsters had everything in life ( rich, famous and even Herr Higgins a kindly mother-in-law! ) but finally lose everything. It’s a romantic and modern drama exquisitely photographed by Herr Christen Jorgensen as can be seen in the beautiful restoration edited by the Danish film institute.
“Klovnen” is in some ways, the paradigm of any genuine circus film, that is to say, a hyper-realistic oeuvre in where the primal instincts and feelings of human beings are at loose ( love, hate, misery, revenge ) and it’s powerfully affected by the artistic environment. The film addresses the collateral dangers of success or fiasco and additionally in this case, the idealized and cinematographic atmosphere of that superlative French city. Paris is a perilous and modern city that finally will corrupt and destroy the innocence and happiness of Herr Higgins and Frau Daisy. It’s a shining place of luxury that in those old times was full of mannequin parades and couturiers where one flirted dangerously with women ( nowadays this has changed completely, ja wohl!). But thanks to Herr A. W. Sandberg skilful and exquisite film direction, "Klovn" stand out as a romantic drama powerfully exemplifies the artistic That Virtues of What Must Be Considered an excellent and Powerful circus film.
And now, if you'll allow me, I take my leave Must Temporarily Because this German Count must-to clown around one of historical Teutonic and fat rich heiress.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von
Galicia - / -
Circus "bunding" is a small circus that is touring the north of France, the owner, James bunding Herr (Herr Maurice de Feraudy) is a Englishman who has lived all his long life in the Gallic country and his beautiful daughter, Daisy Frau (Frau Karina Bell), which also works in the circus as an acrobat rider, not to mention Joe Higgins Herr (Herr Gosta Ekman), the real star of "Cirque bunding" thanks to its number of clown singer, both young men fall in love with each other and the same day the official announcement of his engagement, Herr Higgins received an important labor supply by Philippe Marcel Herr (Herr Robert Schmidt), a famous Parisian couturier, to act in the city of Paris.
"Klovn", a film directed by the year 1926 by Herr silent AW Sandberg, is certainly a great film, a wonderful surprise to all silent fans, the film is a new version of an earlier film of the same name directed by Herr Sandberg in 1917 and starred at the time by the famous Danish actor Valdemar Psilander Herr, Herr Von unfortunately this has not had the opportunity to watch the first version of "Klovn "But certainly the new film is a great circus, that genuine and specific silent film genre that he particularly appreciated Herr Graf. Sandberg Herr
takes time (the film lasts 130 minutes) to be developing and growing in detail the special three-sided relationship portrayed in the film and the subsequent tragedy in which lead, for the the reason the film may seem slow, even in some ways simplistic, these aspects that as the film progresses, show the true artistic intentions in this regard by Sandberg Herr, to develop a cautious initial love story Herr und Frau between James and Daisy and then highlight and reflect the drama that will suffer the main characters when they move to Paris. Therefore
and during the first half of the film, showing Herr Sandberg will gradually build a beautiful and pure love story, reflecting the dreams, hopes and joys of the young couple until they decide to change the modest and quiet life wandering circus in the dusty roads of northern France by luxury and the temptations of the big city, the treacherous city and its creatures, that is when Sandberg Herr reflects the destruction of that love story and the particular fall into hell Herr Higgins all a magnificent portrait of despair and madness, very well played by Gösta Ekman Herr.
That is why the two different parts of the film, Sandberg Herr's interest to show in full the reasons for the particular tragedy that their lives will suffer in the two main characters, two young men who had everything in life (wealth , Herr Higgins fame and even a sympathetic mother!) and finally lose it all, a modern romantic drama exquisitely photographed by Herr Christen Jorgensen as can be seen in the beautiful restoration carried out by the Danish film library.
"Klovn" is in some ways, the paradigm of any film, circus, that is, a hyper-realistic work where Primare instincts and feelings of human beings have been led (love, hate, suffering, revenge) strongly affected their by the artistic atmosphere around and collateral hazards that come with success and failure, then add in this case, the idealized and cinematic atmosphere of the superb city of Paris a dangerous and modern city which eventually corrupt and destroy the innocence and happiness of Herr and Frau Higgins Daisy, a sparkling place full of luxury and fashion in which during that time could be seen in the same parade of ladies mannequins and where designers dangerously seduced women, this has completely changed now, ja wohl! ... but thanks to the skill and exquisite direction of Herr AW Sandberg, "Klovn" stands out as a great romantic drama in which you can see all the artistic virtues required of all a good film at the circus.
And now, if I may, I have to leave because this count germánico tiene que hacer el payaso ante una de sus ricas y gordas herederas teutónicas.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
Size Difference Mino Ultra Flip
Today is World Day of Prayer of women! This year, women in Chile have put together a worship service with music, which is now celebrated around the world of women. Among other things, this song is beautiful (original music and lyrics by Violeta Parra from Chile)! We sing it in German but with a very beautiful text. The collection, which meets today in the church, by the way women's projects are supported.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Round Rash Under Breast

a great exhibition about Rudolf Steiner in Stuttgart
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Eyebrow Wax Reaction 2010

How long have you blogging and how did you get that?
I blog for several years, various private stuff in different places. I came through friends and Internet acquaintances and found it great, what they're uttered them. I find blogs a pretty great way to monitor themselves and their lives and I really love reading what others write.
my fiber Piratess blog there since - I've maybe been - the 17.02.2009, that is, since almost exactly two years. Here I blog just over my hand work. For this I came again to power acquaintances and friends, who just knit or spin it. Man wants to share, yes.
What is your name "fiber Piratess"?
At first, it means that I like and enjoy working with fiber handling Pirat_innen care
;-) I have the name of extra risen for things to knit and spin have to do. I used a "stolen" in transit. So with a name from one of my favorite novels. I thought that was stupid at some point, because although I find the figure still, but the name is not my own, and especially not just useful if you want to publish something to sell under this name or.
So I looked to see which area interests me. I like witches and magicians, but also female pirates. English should be the name clearly and definitely female. And logically, it should express something about what I do.
Handmade Fantasy - the name of the blog - existed before and will continue to remain part of my "labels".
What you came to the spiders?
Any discovered the spider itself and as long as ever passed through it got even with friends in Heidelberg. The three have taught me then and I have the skills to put to my home. One of the three friends who now lives in Switzerland and spins there and then spread this "virus" always on. Who wants to know who I'm talking here are the names Weird & Twisted and Authentic called fiction.
There was initially a ritual sometimes beginners-hand spindle, we have learned at all. We wrote all our names on it.
by little, I just came from the hand spindle for the spinning wheel.
I spin very much a conscious topics. Because of course the seasons and festivals are about what precisely is pending currently Sun General nature subjects are on offer. Otherwise, I spin and even books or mythological figures. Since offer many beings and goddesses, but also just Alice in Wonderland, or the characters from Terry Pratchett's Scheibenweltromamen or Grimm's fairy tales.
some point I would like something to spin to space, but also sea and underwater irritate me again and again. I would also like to spin yarns to real people.
I bury you in my stash of fibers, beads and ribbons and put together wild, what strikes me as beautiful. There is then just an issue either in mind or I like the simple combination of colors and materials.
On your blog there is a link to a guerrilla Knitting network. Maybe you could describe briefly what is it and what fascinates you in it.
I assume you mean the Google map that created Weird?
This is a card that can communicate to everyone adds to the manager or the like, knitted or crocheted graffiti. Weird, one of the above-mentioned friends, and a few others from the spin-cult forum have had the idea to that we would gather our graffiti happy together somewhere. I say this now and we must admit that my first grade graffiti attached until the last few days and I have so far contributed little.
Guerilla Knitting is a great thing because it is simply beautiful. Can be found on the web incredibly great way to enhance the drab everyday life of city and country through knitting. This does not even have a message, but it can, as the Vienna Action 100th Women shows.
The plans are still busy continue to spin, maybe to learn new techniques to test other materials. My Shop is indeed only a few weeks and will be filled. Otherwise, I'm also knitting
. Since I would like to come out again from the trap of constantly knitting for family and Freund_innen and also once again to do something for me. Then finally more graffiti!
are actually no plans to blog about it. I just keep going. See what I'm doing and what about Garnkunst else to see it, hear and read there. And I am happy to exchange with others.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Ankylosing Spondylosis Dogs

The prelude to this year's exhibition season in Tönninger Biohotel Miramar makes the photographer Michael Ruff (b. 1961) from the district of Steinburg. He is a freelance photojournalist since 1994 (including the sh: z) act, his photographic work, but shows since 1985 in exhibitions. This suggests, that his photographs at the same time the documentary nature of his work as a photojournalist and emphasize the artistic perspective into account.
Under the title "country air" Michael Ruff presents his narrative photography. Impressions of Land and Agriculture, from March Geest and the West Coast take a different side of a landscape that is wrongly decried as merely provincial. His works show: even the rural has its own charm.

reflected in his photographs is contrary to all facets of Ruff's work: the photo journalism and his personal favorite themes of man and landscape.
glad he chose an unusual image details and changes, for example, quite consciously proportions, subject and viewer go thus each other in a new relationship.
always forces you on the concept of objectivity and subjectivity is to reflect, but said that the photo journalism as a supposedly objective media to reflect the reality. But as Michael Ruff Commission itself, nothing is as subjective as photography. After all, who looks through the camera, always does so with an individual look. He interprets the reality of the picture - and a further interpretation joins added the perspective of the viewer.
photograph must be subjective, to be successful, for only then can the Viewer a "eureka moment" cause.
" My own subjective photography is the search for the strange world in the familiar. A play of shapes and colors, the detachment of the image elements of their everyday existence, "puts it, the photographer himself Ruff

The selected images of this exhibition in harmony with their rural, regional artwork with also the current restructuring of the Hotel Miramar for the first organic hotel in Schleswig-Holstein. The attached restaurant Wind Rose beats with his new head chef is also the new Bio- way a and used exclusively of regional, seasonal products certified organic.
Duration: 13th March to 29 April
"Michael Ruff. Landluft"
Opening: 03.13.2011, 11:30 clock
Introduction: Dr. Katrin Schäfer
opening times: daily 8.00 bis 23.00 Clock clock.
Biohotel Miramar, Westerstr. 21, 25832 Tönning, Tel: 04861-9090.
Press inquiries: Dr. Katrin Schäfer, ; 04841/939662
© Photos: Michael Ruff
brief bio hotel Miramar:
The eco-hotel on the Miramar Peninsula Eiderstedt (North Frisia) is steps from the historic market square and the Tönninger idyllic harbor. The building, which has a long history, was 10 years ago by Uwe Peters, who is also the director still today, upgraded and expanded to a hotel with special flair, the North German tradition with an almost Mediterranean atmosphere. In 2011, the hotel will also restructured the first organic hotel in Schleswig-Holstein.
The eco-hotel is wheelchair accessible and offers a number of special arrangements for Individuals or families, the ideal setting for meetings and receptions.
The attached restaurant offers seasonal wind rose and typical regional dishes as well as menus for special celebrations. Since March 2011, the restaurant is also certified with the organic seal. It will only be certified organic products used and respected also on regional and seasonal offers.
feels the last few years, the eco-hotel Miramar and the promotion of art and culture bound and presented several times in exhibitions by regional and internationally known artists.
Pine Wood Derby Spaceship Car

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Luggage Scale London Buy
And travel again today to interested individuals to the mbs to look at and there are also present.
Friday, February 25, 2011

When Frau Simo is visiting his parents-in-law, Frau Elsa tells Frau Selma a strange story about a witch from Lapland who lived in Utuniemi called Jantukka. Jantukka created much harm for the Finns. During a terrible battle and before the witch was murdered, he cursed all the people in Utuniemi so that henceforth their offspring will be blind. That’s precisely the reason of Frau Elsa’s blindness.
But during Herr Simo’s absence a terrible incident will happen. When Selma is checking their fishing nets in the lake of Veksalahti, three lumbermen led by one called Fat Sakar, take advantage of the helpless woman…
“Noidan Kirot” ( The Curse Of The Witch ) was directed by Herr Teuvo Puro in the silent year of 1927 and is considered in the country of the thousand lakes as the first Finnish horror film. It’s a picture that was based on a novel by Herr Väinö Kataja about the Lappland region and the old superstitions of the people who lived there.
The film is certainly very interesting, subtle and appalling for Finns or German counts, for the old stories, curses, witches and the sibylline doomed atmosphere that is depicted in the film.
Herr Puro combines wisely the old superstitions of the region ( old stories of ancient times, intangible but vivid after so many years ) with contemporary menaces represented in the lumbermen. These latter are real and very dangerous, an interesting metaphor, ja wohl! Thus is combined what it is a matter of belief about superstitions of the past, with the real presence of the lumbermen in the beautiful place of Utuniemi...and these nowadays sorcerer’s apprentices.
In “Noidan Kirot” the Finnish environment shines at its best ( beautiful landscapes in where the hard daily life is depicted ) and the lumbermen violence and threats ( dark in what is supposed to be an idyllic place). It’s combined together with Kantuka’s cursing ( Herr Puro use double exposures and some camera movement in order to emphasize such unhealthy atmosphere ) in creating a subtle and disturbing atmosphere. In this background, the seeds of evil around Utuniemi finally will give birth in Frau Selma’s first-born, a disorderly infant that revives terrible memories for the young couple.
And that’s certainly Herr Puro’s achievement... to make a horror / fantasy film with elements of the past but setting these in a modern context. He chooses the largest and northernmost of the regions of Finland as the locale to hide ancient superstitions. Our hero will have finally the chance to avenge and redeem his family cursed fate ( from the past or the present) in a oeuvre with a thrilling film narrative. It’s a disturbing and original picture in where the inner and primal fears together with the primitive and evil instincts of men, are the true main characters of the film.
And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must curse some of his undisciplined servants.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
The young newlyweds, Simo Herr und Frau Selma are making a long journey north, in Utuniemi, here is where your new home, there awaits Simon's sister, Frau Elsa, a young blind birth.
In the vicinity of Utuniemi, wood working, rough people why Herr Simo feel no appreciation.
During a visit to his father Simo Herr, Frau Frau Elsa Selma tells a strange story about a wizard called Jantukka Lappland, who lived in Utuniemi and was especially treacherous for the neighbors before he killed it during a terrible battle, throw a curse on the people there: all descendants born blind and this is precisely why Frau Elsa blindness.
But also in the absence of Herr Simo, a terrible incident happen when Frau Selma is preparing to review the networks that are on Lake Veksalahti and be there with three wood, lead them by what they call "the fat Fakar" which will take advantage of the helpless woman.
The film "Noidan Kirot" was directed by Teuvo Puro Herr silent in the year 1927 and is considered in the land of a thousand lakes, as its first horror film, a play based on a novel by Väinö Kataja Herr in tell where the old superstitions people living in the region of Lappland.
The film is certainly very interesting, slightly disturbing both for the Finns as Germanic counts due to the cryptic rarefied atmosphere that permeates the film. Pure Herr
cleverly combines the ancient superstitions of the place (old stories from times immemorial, intangible but vivid after the passage of time) with the most current threats posed Utuniemi timber, they more real and dangerous than before, resulting in an interesting metaphor to combine what is a matter of beliefs about old superstitions of the past with the new apprentice wizards, loggers working in the beautiful landscapes of Utuniemi.
In "Noidan Kirot" Finnish landscapes are displayed in all their glory (beautiful places takes the hard life of the protagonists of the film) they darkened by the threat and violence posed by the presence of loggers in place and together with the curses of Kantukka (Herr Puro use overlay images and a camera movement to emphasize the morbid atmosphere of the place), resulting in a subtle and rarefied atmosphere in which the seeds of evil Utuniemi engender the firstborn of Frau Selma, a disturbing infant terrible memories to revive the young couple. And that
is indeed the great achievement of Pure Herr, get a horror film and fantasy in which the elements of the past in context with the present in this vast and remote region of Finland which are hidden in old superstitions and where the protagonist of the film will the opportunity to avenge and redeem the destination, both past and present, cursed by his family, all in a film with intense cinematic narrative, original and disturbing film in which the most primary and internal fears of man together with the most ancient evil thereof, are the real stars of the film.
And now, if I may, I have to leave because este conde germánico tiene que maldecir a algunos de sus indisciplinados sirvientes.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Copd Treatment Images
"Cigarettenraucherin and Madonna"
is in this year's show of Emil Nolde in Seebüll Noldemuseums image of women in the center. It moves between the extreme poles of the cigarette-smoking femme fatale ("Cigarettenraucherin") and the glorified image of a woman "Madonna".

In all a creative periods chose Emil Nolde as the female subject. Women were his life, especially his two wives, Adah and Yolanda Nolde, one of which to see as well as portraits are, they did not understand him anyway.
He was admired, loved, perhaps even feared, the eternal mystery Wife stayed. And he paid homage in his paintings, especially the diversity and adaptability of the woman, and he shows her as a caring mother, the lover, as wicked woman, a saint and whore Seductive as a muse, and as seduced. With his descriptions, he leads the viewer from the classic portrait of a woman to the mythical or even religious transfiguration, revealing the ambivalence of his own view of women significantly.
documented a cabinet - in relation to the anniversary "150 Years of German-Japanese friendship" - Nolde's poetic view of the "morning sun country," Japan. In October 1913, Nolde joined the "medical-demographic German New Guinea Expedition "at; goal was Papua New Guinea, where Nolde were famous South Seas images. The Trans-Siberian railway, it was first across Siberia and Manchuria to Japan, where Nolde was staying about three weeks and held the impressions of Japanese culture in foreign luminous watercolors and delicate drawings. Many figure studies, mostly young women in clothing typical of the region, are inspired by the casual, yet precise ink drawings by Japanese artists. In Nolde's own collection are in addition to woodcuts by Hokusai and Utamaro, the typical no-masks, which in later years, like Nolde related as templates (including for the oil painting "Masks and dahlias, 1919).
An extensive program of events (including Seebüll concerts) with Emil Nolde ideas such as "Chef's Table, a 5-course meal, accompanied with Nolde anecdotes, or" high tea ", a private tea Nolde's style, round off excellent season this year.
Nolde Museum Seebüll.
to 30.11: 10-18 Clock. June-Sept. Thursdays to 20 clock. Nolde Foundation Seebüll 25 927 Neukirchen
phone +49 (0) 4664-98 39 30, fax +49 (0) 4664-1475 ; .
Admission: 8, - € adults, 3, - € for children / students, 30, - € Annual Pass.
Seebüll Restaurant: Open daily (including holidays) in March: 9-19 Clock, April to
October 9-22 Clock, November: 9-19 Clock
Tel: 04664/983970
Copyright of the images: Nolde-Stiftung, Seebüll
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Best Sound Receiver Audio Hookup
you were a great success - even purely external, if you look at the numbers of participants (about 360 on Friday, Saturday 420), the atmosphere and the organization. But most of all is likely to apply to the contents of which have been very well received, especially on Saturday. More detailed stands on the Francke Blog .
particular, the book launch was of course well - and the new books found their way to the participants.
For me, it was also a series of intensive discussions and a fruitful relationship in which I'm excited about the progress.
Whats The Cosr Of Admission To Cineplex

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Emachines Drivers 4252
Sometimes one gets the impression - as quickly time passes, that's not the point. There's yet. The BPler are back, reflect a race (which is part of a probationary year to!) And pick one or the other input, as one says so.
We are pleased with the course very much if we are in the BP-week seminars again see, hear one another and make us again on the way. This week was my turn next to the reflection or supervision, "Sexual abuse" and bibliological. Rest I've just not ready. So now's next.
Kamenstein Replacement Lids

Monday, February 21, 2011
A Slogan For Ice Cream

secretly, quietly, and unfortunately to a very late time clock starts today at 23:55 3sat in the second season of "In Treatment." The psychotherapist Paul Weston is now divorced, and ventures in Brooklyn (where else) a new beginning. But the past catches up with him again and again. Who was smitten from the very first season of the unusual series, it is also determined be of the second. The high-profile actors - all of course Gabriel Byrne - and the strict approach in which a sequence corresponding with each therapy session, promise high demanding television.
In Treatment, second season is starting on German TV today
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Adventure Island Ticket Rate
Friday, February 18, 2011
Moncler Jackets Stores In The U.s

“Anna-Liisa” was directed in the silent year of 1922 by Herr Teuvo Puro together with Herr Jussi Snellman. It was the first Finnish feature to be sold abroad and was seen in countries like Norway, Sweden, France and even the United States.
The film is based on a play by Frau Minna Canth who was a very important Finnish writer and a champion of women’s rights, a pioneer and combative Nordic feminist, ja wohl! This is reflected in the powerful and impressive feminine portrait of Anna-Liisa, tormented but valiant and determined, a woman who will decide her own fate, threats and coercion aside. She is excellently played by the actress Frau Helmi Lindelöf.
The dramatic and intense story of the film is equal to other Nordic rural dramas of those early silent times, such as those directed by masters like Herr Victor Sjöström and Herr Mauritz Stiller. Like them Herr Puro invokes nature as part of the dramatic development of the story. A flashback shows Frau Anna-Liisa’s terrible deed which involves a hideous taboo that is still shocking nowadays. Still, there is atonement and Frau Anna-Liisa accepts responsibility for her past and consequently decides her future. Herr Puro brilliantly blends indoor sets which suggest the theater with the naturalism of the exterior scenes.
And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must confess an aristocratic trifle of the past to one of his Teutonic fat and rich heiresses.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
Frau Anna-Liisa been in love with Herr Johannes which is engaged and getting married that very soon, but from the past appear in the village, which lives Frau Anna-Liisa, Mikko Herr, a former boyfriend of the above, with the intention She also married.
With the help of her wicked mother, Frau Herr threaten Mikko Anna-Liisa to reveal a terrible secret if it does not agree to marry him, a secret that was kept secret for years, a terrible fact that our heroine made as a much younger.
The film "Anna-Liisa" was directed at the silent year 1922 by Teuvo Puro Herr Herr together with Jussi Snellman, a film that was very successful silent in those old days, the first Finnish film with international exposure, exhibited in countries like Norway, Sweden, France and even Amerika.
The film is based on the important work of Finnish writer Minna Canth Frau, a woman deeply committed to the rights of women and then, a militant feminist and Fraulein, ja wohl!, Vindicating those social concerns in their literary .
And this is reflected in the film adaptation of Pure Herr, because the film is a powerful and impressive and female human picture, superbly played by actress Frau Helmi Lindelöf, a tormented but at the same time, brave and independent Fraulein, will she finally decides on its future despite receiving threats and coercion.
The drama and intensity of the story is comparable to other Nordic productions, silent rural dramas such as those addressed in those first-time directors like Herr Herr Victor Sjöström and Mauritz Stiller, with whom Herr Teuvo Puro shares the importance of natural settings in parallel with the dramatic development of the story.
In "Anna-Liisa", Herr Pure uses flashback to suggest the terrible act committed by Frau Anna-Liisa and in connection with this fact, a lyrical but disturbing dream sequence, in addition to daily images of the hard life of our heroine in a beautiful but at the same time oppressive environment in which it has committed the crime, a taboo even today and whose process of atonement is filmed by Herr Pure differently, using interior sets for theater that it trains the leaders openly express their emotions with a certain artifice and external scenarios to complement and combine in this way, the literary strength of the original work of Frau Canth with her powerful and moving film adaptation silent , keeping intact the determination displayed by the character of Frau Anna-Liisa, that is, a woman owns herself, the only accountable and for this reason, the only one who can take your past and, consequently, decide on their future.
And now, if I may, I have to leave because this count must confess Germanic past a trifle to one of his fat and rich Teutonic.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galicia
Saga Frontier - Ntsc - J
Okay, that's original none - that's for sure! Nevertheless, I am looking forward tomorrow night in redhot on a concert by the tribute band Peppers .
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How Do I Tell If I Have Herpes Ir A Zit

time for a hot pot with savoy cabbage
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Keratin Hair Treatment In Bangalore

a project in pink, a scarf for my daughter