An exhibition of collages by Constance Koch the Hotel Miramar
The summer exhibition in time Tönninger Hotel Miramar starts with the presentation of unusual collages of the artist Husum Constanze Koch (born 1954). Artistically, it is self-taught, but they can look back on a sound footing, it has dominated since their youth and artistic craftsmanship. As a trained carpenter, she was also active in theater set construction, later worked in the (art) education field and was from 2004 to 2009 Director of the Husum memory.
The collage was the art almost simultaneously with the development of abstract art collection. Artists of Cubism, Dadaism and Surrealism used them as well as representatives Pop Art and the Fluxus movement. Constanze Koch approaches her subjects first completely classical: it is inspired, find photos, scenes, characters and objects while browsing various print media, with by careful and meticulous accuracy of cut in hours of work, a sort of "pool of ideas developed from the then her collages .

from destruction is a creative process, where elements are combined, which are not really together, but in the end, form a harmonious unit. In recent work, she experiments with the additional processing on the PC.
If you ask the artist, as she comes to her motives, she admits: "The collages in the emergence and often get ideas for more and then the way i am working on several projects. Dare I say, I work haphazardly.
you like to improvise and let the chance to speak consciously engage in the development of their work and the result are images that sometimes seem surreal or even bizarre, disturbing and thought-provoking look at the invite.

one studies in the Collagen, then starts in the mind of the beholder stories. The motive, which was assembled from many elements, stimulates one's imagination, can ascend the unconscious is, almost to the continuum of reflection. To develop this interactive approach, so to speak, a small art event is planned with the exhibition visitors: who is interested in the collages may feel, to write his personal history, it is when looking through my head. The three most successful stories are published on the websites and and the authors will receive a high quality Pressure of the actual collage, printed by "posters in XL (Tönning).
Exhibition period: 26.6. - 08.02.2010. opening times: daily 8.00 bis 23.00 Clock clock.
Opening: 06/26/2010, 18 clock
Welcome: Dr. Katrin Schäfer; Introduction: Daniel Lembo. The artist is present.
Hotel Miramar, Westerstr. 21, 25 832 Tönning, Tel.: 04861-9090. ; ;
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